Hot Docs 2010 Awards


Ballots have been counted and juries have decided on this years Hot Docs Awards. Here are the results:

Audience Top Ten:
1. Thunder Soul (D: Mark Landsman; USA)
2. A Drummer's Dream (D: John Walker; Canada)
3. My Life with Carlos (D: German Berger; Chile, Spain, Germany)
4. Autumn Gold (D: Jan Tenhaven; Austria,
5. Leave Them Laughing (D: John Zaritsky; Canada, USA)
6. Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage (D: Scot McFadyen, Sam Dunn; Canada)
7. Listen to This (D: Juan Baquero; Canada)
8. A Small Act (D: Jennifer Arnold; USA)
9. Waste Land (D: Lucy Walker; UK, Brazil)
10. Marwencol (D: Jeff Malmberg; USA)

International Feature Award:
A Film Unfinished (D: Yael Hersonski; P: Noemi Schory, Itay Ken Tor; Israel)

The Special Jury Prize - International Feature: The Oath (D: Laura Poitras; P: Laura Poitras, Nasser Arrabyee, Aliza Kaplan, Jonathan Oppenheim; USA, Yemen)

Best Canadian Feature Award: Shelley Saywell for In the Name of the Family (P: Shelley Saywell, Deborah Parks; Canada)

The Special Jury Prize - Canadian Feature: John Zaritsky for Leave Them Laughing (P: Montana Berg, Canada/USA)

The Best Mid-Length Documentary Award: I Shot My Love (D: Tomer Haymann; P: Barak Haymann, Tomer Haymann, Carl Ludwig Rettinger; Israel, Germany)

Best Short Documentary Award: Tussilago (D: Jonas Odell; Sweden)

The HBO Documentary Films Emerging Artist Award: Jeff Malmberg, director of Marwencol (USA)

2010 Hot Docs Outstanding Achievement Award: Kim Longinotto, A retrospective of Longinotto's work is being show as part of this year's Festival.

documentary's Don Haig Award: Philip Lyall and Nimisha Mukerji, the directors of Hot Docs 2009 official selection and audience top ten favourite, 65_REDROSES.

The Lindalee Tracey Award: Ayanie Mohamed

Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival ran from April 29 - May 9, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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