Hot Docs 2010: Selections from Introduction and Q&A of The People vs George Lucas

The following video clips are from the Introduction and Q&A for the screening of The People vs George Lucas with director Alexandre Philippe & producer Robert Muratore on Saturday May 1, 2010 at Hot Docs 2010. See my review of The People vs. George Lucas here.

Intro with Hot Docs programmer Angie Driscoll, director Alexandre Philippe and producer Robert Muratore

Director Alexandre Philippe and producer Robert Muratore talk about the fan submission and their personal Star Wars experiences:

Alexandre Philippe responds to audience question on where they stand on George Lucas now that they've made the film:

Alexandre Philippe responds to audience question on The Force Unleashed & backlash:

Alexandre Philippe responds to question on if he thinks the original of Star Wars was erased:

Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival ran from April 29 - May 9, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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