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Rumors about the Peter Chan Ho Sun produced new film THE FLYING GUILLOTINES (HUET DIK JI) have surfaced, including the screenplay has not been approved, disputes between producer Chan Ho Sun and director Teddy Chan Tak Shun, director change with Andrew Lau Wai Keung, the production start delay to August and even possibly cast changes. Chan Ho Sun yesterday personally clarified and one of the lead actors Huang Xiaoming also gave Chan Ho Sun a vote of confidence. Even if the film was postponed, he was willing to keep waiting.

Chan Ho Sun said that the film indeed will delay its production start. As for director change, he also admitted that earlier before planning THE FLYING GUILLOTINES he indeed approached Lau Wai Keung. He said, "For collaborations I of course pick my closest friends, since we know each other so well. However at the time Lau Wai Keung had ten movies on hand, and Chan Tak Sum's schedule was the most suitable to the original production start time. Now that the production start has been postponed, and the main reason is we suddenly thought of an all new script direction. All the changes will depend on the progress of the script. Actor schedules may have to be arranged anew, but a good story truly doesn't have to worry about having no one."

Chan Tak Sum said, "The main reason is the script is still being changed. With all new elements, it is even more exciting than before. The screen writer (Aubrey) Lam Oi Wa has been working night and day, but ultimately the structural adjustments will require some time. Honestly, I am a little worried about the scheduling. With so many actor schedules having to change, the team's schedule is even harder to adjust. However I hope that we keep each other in mind in the end." Huang Xiaoming continued his support. "I haven't received any team change news, only a notice that filming has been postponed. I only have the word 'trust' in Director Chan Ho Sun."

As for the script's pending approval, promotional director Ms. Meng denied and said, "Our new script hasn't even been written yet, so it hasn't been sent for inspection. How can it not pass?" As for the dispute between Chan Ho Sun and Chan Tak Sum, Ms. Meng said, "Since the start of BODYGUARDS AND ASSASSINS (SUP YUET WAI SING) they have been rumored to be at odds, after its completion they were rumored to be at odds again. During the Hong Kong Film Award celebration people still talked about it. As they worked together, they kept being rumored to be at odds. If they really were at odds, why would Chan Ho Sun ask Chan Tak Sum to make THE FLYING GUILLOTINES? Wouldn't he just be asking for trouble? Chan Tak Sum two days ago was still talking with Chan Ho Sun about the new script."

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