Happy Tuesday! Weekly fun day and time to look at a selection of the DVD and Blu Ray releases for Tuesday April 26, 2011. This week is pretty action centric so bring on the flying kicks!
- IP Man 2 Put Donnie Yen & Sammo Hung in a Wilson Yip film, and I'll always be set to see it. But add to the fact that it's a historical film centred on Wing Chun martial arts master Ip Man who was Bruce Lee's mentor, that makes this a must-see for all martial arts fans. And it's awesome to boot.
- Dinoshark on DVD and BluRay (DVD Review) Another SyFy film fun-ness following crazy (dino) shark shenanigans, this film is a fantastic popcorn flick. And it stars Eric Balfour (Skyline, "Haven"). Woohoo!
- The Resident DVD/BluRay Combo (DVD Review) Hammer Horror home inner invasion-style flick starring Hillary Swank, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Lee Pace & Christopher Lee.
- Shaw Brothers Triple Threat Sweet looking selections including Invincible Shaolin, The Gamble & Shaolin Prince.
- Norwegian Ninja Yep. That's a film I'm willing to see based on the title alone (US DVD release date June 28, 2011).
- El Topo (Blu Ray) Alejandro Jodorowsky's 1969 cult classic, and the BluRay has lots of extras including On-Camera interview and a Feature Commentary by Alejandro Jodorowsky.
- Casino Jack Kevin Spacey stars in this crime/comedy biopic on scheming, corruption and politics.
- Jolene based on the story by E.L. Doctorow and starring Jessica Chastain, Dermot Mulroney, Chazz Palminteri and directed by Dan Ireland.
- Come Undone sizzling hot-looking Italian drama from director Silvio Soldini.
- Blow Out (Criterion) starring John Travolta & Nancy Allen, directed by Brian De Palma.
Titles on Amazon.com
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