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Tang Wei
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FOUNDING OF A PARTY will be released in June. The latest trailer displayed the film's enormous production. In the film several generously performing key actors were "particularly nervous" about the characters that they would play, but director Huang Jianxin's eye for casting amazed many actors.

According to Director Huang Jianxin, in the Battle of Mianhuapo scene, LET THE BULLETS FLY's Liao Fan as National Protection soldier Zhu De battled 20 alone. The scene looked just like a big Hollywood film gun fight. In the scene, Liao Fan fell from the horse and tore his shoulder ligament but he still insisted on working for seven days. Even the doctor called him crazy. At the same time in order to strengthen the freshness for the audience, aside from Ma Shaohua who played Dr. Sun Yat-Sen before, other actors have never played their historical figure roles. Several leads suspected whether they could bring their characters to life. Zhang Jiayi who played Li Dazhao revealed, "When we and Liu Ye heard the roles that Director Huang assigned to us we jumped with fright as we all thought 'Do I look like this character?' Yet after make up we were surprised that actually everyone resembled their historical figures both in looks and spirits." In addition, two handsome men Liu Ye and Chen Kun were assigned to play Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. Director Huang said, "Conceivably many viewers understand that leaders like Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai indeed were truly handsome men."

In the film Alex Fong Chung Shun played Yang Du and had many scenes with Chow Yun Fat who played Yuan Shikai. For the character Fong Chung Shun in the Putonghua film needed to read his lines with a Northern accent, which was truly very tough for this Southerner. In addition he had to act with Fat Gor, before hand he had to repeatedly practice during his breaks. He was afraid that he would hinder the team with bad takes. For perfection he was willing to work overtime and suggested to shoot some scenes again. In addition, FOUNDING OF A PARTY earlier received approval for the final version to be over two hours long. Playing Tao Yi earlier in the trailer Tang Wei still appeared, but on the May 24 cast list of 108 actors Tang Wei officially disappointed. The film has confirmed the list and other actresses remained in the film.

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