THE SKED: Thursday Ratings Projections

A few notes: these projections are for original episodes (no repeats) aired in the 4th quarter of 2011.  Series premieres will likely be .3-.4 higher, thanks to network marketing pushes, and then tend to go down over time.  We'll be updating the numbers after we see full pilots and also as we get a feel for the networks' summer promotional campaigns.  

ABC.  Charlie's Angels will rate far better than the catastrophic My Generation at 8 pm, but it still leaves the network in third place for the hour.

CBS.  How To Be A Gentleman holds well with Big Bang Theory, especially since X Factor puts a dent in Big Bang as a lead-in.  Person of Interest should be one of the strongest new shows of the fall and could even win the hour if Grey's decline accelerates. 

NBC.  The loss of Steve Carell takes a 20% chunk out of The Office, although Whitney holds that reduced number fairly well.  Prime Suspect should be much higher than last Fall's awful (non-celebrity) Apprentice, but still in last place. 

FOX.  X Factor boosts FOX significantly at 8PM, which helps Bones at 9.

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