Time to take a look at a selection of DVD releases for Tuesday June 28, 2011!
- Wake Wood (DVD Review) Freaking brilliant UK/Ireland horror film that has a great story, small cast, huge creep factor and awesome pagan feel. This is exactly the kind of horror I love. (US Release Date: July 5, 2011)
- Season of the Witch (DVD Review) Really fun adventure flick which to quote my brother has a total dungeons and dragons feel to it. Set during the Crusades & with a story involving a witch I found myself surprzed to enjoy it, and I did ...a lot.
- Barney's Version (DVD Review) Multiple Genie winning film based on the Mordecai Richler starring Paul Giamatti.
- Sucker PunchLikely one of the most ripped apart films of 2011 this highly stylized Zack Synder (Watchmen, 300) film starring Emily Browning as Baby Doll a young girl institutionalized after a violent crime. Great opening and it kind of digs at it's target market, but I still think there is something interesting going in it.
- Beastly (DVD Review) urban fantasy based on the book Beastly by Alex Flinn, which is a modern day a re-imagining of Beauty and the Beast following a high schooler who has everything Kyle (Alex Pettyfer of I Am Number Four) but miffs off the wrong girl.
- The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy (BluRay) The super, ultra, ultimate edition for LOTR fans and very likely the reason it's a pretty quite week of releases. Smart timing too as there is lots of excitement around The Hobbit which will be out in 2012 & 2013 and just we started to see images from it. To Middle Earth!
- Cyrus: Mind of a Serial Killer This one looks pretty brutal as it's been banned in several countries as well as being based on true events, it's actually inspired by serial killers such as FritzHaarmann, Henry Lee Lucas and H.H. Holmes. Too creepy for me!
- Warehouse 13: Season Two I really want to check out and catch up with this series that I've heard described as people that check into relics like you'd imagine in an Indiana Jones film
- The Royal Wedding: His Royal Highness Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton A 90 minute documentary including official wedding footage. Although Amazon.com has oodles of Royal Wedding options, this particular version being released by eOne I only see on Amazon.ca
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