Poll Results: What Subgenre of SciFi Do You Enjoy?

You have voted and the results are now in for What Subgenre of SciFi Do You Enjoy? It was a multiple click poll so lots of folks choose lots of choices but reigning supreme was Time Travel with 62%! Yay! We like Time Travel, or at least more than 1/2 or use really really like Time Travel. In second was a tie at 43% between Aliens & Utopic/Dystopic Societies (one of my personal faves).

Lots of the categories got lots of love, so it seems clear that we love our SciFi in many of it's Subgenres. Here are the complete results:

62% - Time Travel
43% - Aliens
43% - Utopic/Dystopic Societies
37% - Classic SciFi
37% - Monsters
37% - Post-Apocalyptic
37% - Space Travel
31% - Mutation
25% - Conspiracy SciFi
25% - Disaster SciFi
25% - Futuristic SciFi
25% - Realistic SciFi
25% - Robots
18% - Virtual Reality

Thanks for voting!

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