Summer of SciFi Announcement


Sad news, folks. I'm having to put a hold on my Summer of Sci Fi and epic exploration of tons of the awesome sub-genres, niche genres and genre mashing goodness. Originally I just delayed the marathon but I've realized it's just too much at the moment. I've never, ever, stopped a marathon, challenge or anything-a-thon once I've started our of the 16 I've participated in, led or done on my own over the years. Since I first announced the Summer of SciFi I've found out that I'll be moving smack-dab in the middle of summer and I know with that in mind I can't do this marathon to justice with the time and attention it deserves. I'll still be reviewing all the 2011 summer science fiction films that I see (and that's still lots!) and hope to come back to this exploration in the future.

I'll keep the original post as a home base for reviews for summer SciFi films, and it already includes X-Men First Class and the awesome film Super 8 and I look forward to Cowboys and Aliens, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and many more of the films coming out this summer.

Thanks so much for your understanding! Looking forward to getting settled in a new place soon.

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