Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2009: Short & Gooey Delights

The Toronto After Dark Film Festival has announced the shorts that will be slinging our way as a part of the 2009 festival. There are two shorts programs, Shorts After Dark (International Shorts Program) that screens on Sunday August 16, 2009 at 1:30pm and Canada After Dark (Canadian Short Film Showcase) which is Canadian shorts that screen before each of the feature films. Ranging from 1 to 19 minutes, we will be treated to zombies, lobotomies and even dancing
corpses. Even the film titles are entertaining, such as The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon or Practical Guide for the Imaginary Friend (Abridged). A few familiar names appear on the filmmaker lists including festival fave Bill Plympton (Idiots and Angels) who brings us Santa: The Fascist Years. Steven Kostanski who brought us whom brought us the fantastic Laser Ghosts 2: Return to Laser Cove in 2008 comes back with Heart of Karl. Closing night short is none other than Denis Villeneuve's fantastically delicious and dark Next Floor.

Canada After Dark - Canadian Short Film Showcase

0 (Zero)
Dir: Jace Junggru Kim
Canada, 4 minutes
Screens Sunday August 16, 2009 at 3:45 pm with The Warlords

Bad Roomate
Dirs: James Gangl & Kevin Whalen
Canada, 3 minutes
Screens Sunday August 16, 2009 at 9:30pm with The Revenant

Dir: Brandon Blommaert
Canada, 1 minutes
Screens Thursday August 20, 2009 at 9:45pm with Trick 'r Treat

Dirs: Ayelen Liberona and Joseph Johnson Camí
Canada, 6 minutes
Screens Saturday August 15, 2009 at 8:15pm with Black

Dir: Chris Nash
Canada, 14 minutes
Screens Monday August 17, 2009 at 7pm with Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl

Captain Coulier (Space Explorer) ** Opening Gala Short **
Dir: Lyndon Casey
Canada, 13 minutes
Screens Friday August 14, 2009 7pm with Black Dynamite

Danse Macabre
Dir: Pedro Pires
Canada, 6 minutes
Screens Thursday August 20, 2009 7pm with The Forbidden Door

Dir: Spencer Estabrooks
Canada, 14 minutes
Screens Sunday August 16, 2009 at 6:45pm with Dead Snow

Dirs: Dave Alexander & Colin Landry
Canada, 14 minutes
Screens Monday August 17, 2009 at 9:30pm with Strigoi

Git Gob
Dir: Philip Eddolls
Canada, 1 minutes
Screens Monday August 19, 2009 at 9:45pm with Rough Cut

Heart of Karl
Dir: Steven Kostanski (Laser Ghosts 2: Return to Laser Cove)
Canada, 15 minutes
Screens Tuesday August 18, 2009 at 9:30pm with Someone's Knocking at the Door

Dir: A. J. Bond
Canada, 14 minutes
Screens Saturday August 15, 2009 at 5:30pm with Franklyn

The Killer Bra
Dir: Yakov Levi
Canada, 19 minutes
Screens Saturday August 15, 2009 at 11.30pm with Embodiment of Evil

Legend of the Seven Bloody Torturers
Dir: Conall Pendergast
Canada, 5 minutes
Screens Wednesday August 19, 2009 at 7pm with Must Love Death

Dir: Sara St. Onge
Canada, 6 minutes
Screens Tuesday August 18, 2009 at 7pm with The Children

Next Floor ** Closing Gala Short **
Dir: Denis Villeneuve
Canada, 11 minutes
Screens Friday August 21, 2009 at 7pm with Grace

Under Pressure: A Story of Microscopic Stakes
Dir: Daniel Devita
Canada, 9 min
Screens Saturday August 15, 2009 at 3pm with The Dark Hour

Shorts After Dark - International Shorts Program

The Black Dog’s Progress
Dir: Stephen Irwin
UK, 3 minutes

Die Schneider Krankheit
Dir: Javier Chillon
Spain, 11 mintues

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon
Dir: Richard Gale
USA, 10 minutes

King of Power 4 Billion %
Dir: Paul Roberston
Australia, 14 minutes

A Little Mouth to Feed
Dir: Jack Daniel Stanely
USA, 9 minutes

Practical Guide for the Imaginary Friend (Abridged)
Dir: Ciro Altabas
Spain, 19 minutes

Santa: The Fascist Years
Dir: Bill Plympton (Idiots and Angels)
USA, 4 minutes

Dir: Bradford Schmidt
USA, 14 minutes

When It Will Be Silent
Dir: Dan Sachar
Israel, 7 minutes

X-Mess Detrius
Dir: Voltaire
USA, 2 minutes

Zombie Zombie
Dirs: Simon Gesrel and Xavier Ehretsmann
France, 6 minutes

The Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2009 runs from August 14-21, 2009 at the Bloor Cinema, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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