Chow Yun Fat, Johnnie To Kei Fung

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Chow Yun Fat personally appeared at the Cultural Center at a film short film event to urge young people who are joining the film industry to be able to "take the bad with the good". The even organizer Johnnie To Kei Fung presented an art bowl to Fat Gor to thank him for his five years of support of this event. Fat Gor after looking at the art bowl pointed out that the bowl had many holes. He joked, "That means don't bother to work!"

Fat Gor expressed that he has always wanted to work with To Sir again, but either To Sir did not have time or the screenplay was not suitable. However Fat Gor said, "No big deal, I have plenty of time!" He pointed out that after making CONFUCIUS last year this year he might rest. He said, "Because Mrs. Chow doesn't get to rest. When I work she has to take care of me." However with a good screenplay he still would return to work. Fat Gor even expressed that he has not worked with To Sir for years, it was rare that he still wanted him.

Earlier Fat Gor also joked that Donnie Yen Chi Tan in movies is a superhero. He is not as fast with a gun as his punches and kicks. He would like to make a light romance and would like to work with Cherie Chung Chor Hung again. As for new comers, Fat Gor said, "Right Now Fala
Chen is the most popular!" "Young model" Chrissie Chau Sau Na has film industry intentions this year, would he be interested in working with her? Fat Gor said, "Film Double Chow (sounds like Film Biweekly)? With the right script it could work!" He later also mentioned Monique Chow Hoi Ying who received her sentence for drugs recently and said that they could be "film triple Chow".

Fat Gor's film CONFUCIUS has Faye Wong as its theme song performer, the first song of her comeback. Fat Gor earlier also attended the Smile Angel Foundation. Fat Gor praised Faye Wong as a very interesting person. He too would like to work with her and watch her concert because they were already "friends". To Sir heard that Fat Gor was interested in a romantic film with Hung Goo and immediately said, "Wow! At such an old age?" He even pointed out that perhaps after making CONFUCIUS, Fat Gor felt stressed and would like to make a romance to
relax a little.

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