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Taiwan film MONGA after six days in release broke 100 million at the box office. "Bean Director" Niu Chen-Zer yesterday led actors Ethan Ruan (Yuen King Tin), Mark Chao Yau Ting and others to fulfill a promise at a Monga temple. Ma Yu-Lung of CAPE NO. 7 and MONGA spoke boldly in anticipation of MONGA breaking more records.

This film yesterday added nearly NT$12.5 million as the total box office reached 120 million. Producer Lee Lieh, Bean Director and the Prince Gang, Ma Yu-Lung, Alice Ke (Or Gai Yin) arrived at the temple to thank ancestors for the film's smooth and safe production. Bean Director said, 5 years ago he came to pray at the temple in hopes of being able to make MONGA. He also decided that this temple was the main set. He asked the ancestors for a smooth production and to provide power and wisdom. With the success now he had to thank everyone for their love and support.

Prince Gang member Yuen King Tin said at first when they shot at the temple, everyday they would pray for safety. Just now he came to fulfill his promise and also "chatted a little" with the ancestors. The box office of over 100 million made him feel "very unreal". Mark Chao Yau Ting said that returning to the temple was like going home, because the temple was our corner.

Lee Lieh expressed that when the film was rumored to perform well at the box office, she was very emotional. Later she thought it was like a dream. As the figure climbed, then it felt more and more real. the performance that everyone on this team created and the figure that the
film will hopefully create will continue to be exceeded by other Taiwan films. On the Lunar New Year's Day they will head to Germany to attend the Berlin Film Festival. Bean Director and Lee Lieh gave away 100 red pockets with NT$100 at the location to wish everyone an early Happy New Year. Yuen King Tin revealed that for the Berlin Film Festival he recently hired a teacher to catch up on English and German, Chao Yau Man also took the opportunity to say "Guten Tag".

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