Juno Mak Chun Lung, Sora Aoi

Kelly Chen Wai Lam
courtesy of

Kelly Chen
courtesy of

Kelly Chen

Janice Man

Juno Mak

Juno Mak, Sora Aoi
courtesy of

Juno Mak, Wyman Wong, Janice Man, Mark Lui (third right), Kelly Chen (right)
courtesy of

Kelly Chen Wai Lam, Juno Mak Chun Lung, Janice Man Wing Shan yesterday attended the Mark Lui Chung Tak designed men's label Coolday, Sir Solo Shop new store opening.

Due to the Daoyutai incident the China Japan relationship has been very tense. Juno worked with Japanese adult video actress Sora Aoi on the film REVENGE: A LOVE STORY (FOK SAU JEH JI SEH), which will soon premiere at the Asian Film Festival. Sora Aoi will come to promote in Hong Kong next week as scheduled. Juno felt that violence could not resolve the issue and felt that art should not be linked with politics. He said, "Sora Aoi put a lot of effort into the film. We can't squander her hard work and can't have any racial divide. (Will you protect her?) I believe we have workers who will. I don't look forward to an extreme action to take place. The Asian Film Festival opening ceremony should take place smoothly under a peaceful atmosphere." Juno was optimistic about the China and Japan relationship. He himself had a fashion business in Japan and at the end of October he will go there for work.

Sora Aoi in the film had to deliver her lines in Cantonese. When she was not in a scene she practiced her Cantonese and memorized her lines, very soon she was able to handle it. Although she and the crew had a language barrier, they had no gap at all as they very quickly functioned
as one.

Mak Chun Lung played a straight laced youth and a couple with the Sora Aoi played innocent girl. They had many romantic scenes. In one scene Mak Chun Lung was released from prison, the pregnant Sora Aoi went to pick him up with mixed emotions. Mak Chun Lung before places sat alone in a corner, closed his eyes to gather his emotions and very soon he was able to become teary eyed. No one dared to disturb him. During the shoot he was able to shed real tears.

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