Andy Lau Tak Wa, Chapman To Man Jat, Roger, Deanie Ip Tak Han
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The Ann Hui On Wai directed film A SIMPLE LIFE (TOH JEH) earlier wrapped. Two leads Andy Lau Tak Wa and Deanie Ip Tak Han that night appeared on the set along with guest star Chapman To Man Jat and the actual person from the story Roger celebrated with champagne with the team. Wa Jai even excitedly screamed for Hong Kong film support all over the streets.
SIMPLE after two months in production was finally completed. Wa Jai at the wrap cheered for Hong Kong film and the team applauded in response. Wa Jai said, "In recent years I have rarely made movies in Hong Kong. This film was able to attract Mainland film company investment to make an authentic Hong Kong film that is close to Hong Kong and Mainland audience tastes and both can relate to. It is a good start. Hopefully at the same time it will be able to encourage Hong Kong film workers to create more different scripts and bring the Hong Kong films into the Mainland market." Hui On Wa agreed and thanked Wa Jai's full support in Hong Kong film.
Sister Deanie honestly said that she did not know much about the Hong Kong film market development trend, but the first collaboration with Hui On Wa indeed was a new experience. After completing this film, her first feeling was finally being able to return to her normal life. Sister Deanie said, "Since at the end of the year when I was a guest at Wa Jai's concerts to making A SIMPLE YEAR, in almost half a year my life habits of getting up at 4AM for my morning walk and going to bed at 8PM were turned completely upside down. So tonight after raising a glass with everyone, tomorrow morning I would return to enjoy my normal life."
Guest star Ah Jat only guest starred in one scene but the chance to work with two film industry elders Hui On Wa and Sister Deanie was not only rare but also a dream came true. He said, "originally this scene should have been shot in early March, but I injured my hand and couldn't work. However the team was willing to wait for me, for which I am truly appreciative." As for the actual person Roger from the story, he came to the set and opened bottles of champagne to thank everyone for their support. Wa Jai also picked up a camera and played photographer for a group photo. Sister Deanie quickly removed her make up and drank with the team on the streets. She even poured for everyone. Neighbors and fans flocked over as well to experience the cheerful atmosphere.
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