Saoirse Ronan stars in Joe Wright's HANNA, opening April 8.
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In the new Hannah, both Wright and Ronan are tackling the action genre for the first time, but the opening part of Atonement makes that seem like less of a reach than you might think. Wright, who had previously directed Pride and Prejudice, injects the Atonement opening with great energy--Briony is repeatedly seen running through her manor house at such speed that she could be Jack Bauer racing to disarm a terrorist bomb. Christopher Hampton's script, jumping back and forth in time through that day, creates a thriller atmosphere as we move closer to what we sense will be the terrible consequences of what began as a lovely day, and Dario Marianelli's brilliant score uses the sound of Briony's typewriter as a tense motif.
The more cinematically colorful second chapter of Atonement, centering on Robbie's attempt to get out of wartime France and ultimately on the Dunkirk evaculation, suggests that Wright still has some limitations as a director. Partly it's because this is the section of McEwan's book most cut down for the film; all that's left is the sentimentality (which Wright's subsequent The Soloist proved to be his undoing). And Wright starts showing off, most notably with a 6 minute single shot that pans and tracks throughout Dunkirk and its beachfront without much cause beyond its own virtuosity. The film recovers somewhat when back in London for the final sections, but doesn't quite manage its attempt to find a cinematic equivalent for the novel's revelation that what we've been reading is itself a work of metafiction, "Briony's" attempt to atone for her long-ago sin.
Atonement was quite successful for an art-house movie, with a worldwide gross of $130M, which followed $121M for Wright's Pride and Prejudice. However, the more expensive Soloist could only muster $38M worldwide, which may explain why Wright is tackling an action movie. As classics-minded filmmakers go, Wright brings unusual punch to his projects--neither of his period films has that Merchant/Ivory museum feel--and while Ronan has been in some uneven films, she has yet to give a bad performance. Hanna has potential to widen the playing field for both of them.
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