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The Peter Ho Yun Tung, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Victor Chen Si Hong, Xiao Songjia starred in BIANDI LANGYAN. The film production has already passed the halfway mark. The Ho Yun Tung played sniper has suffered in a variety of ways.

A sniper has to be very familiar with every type of gun. Before the shoot Ho Yun Tung borrowed guns from the prop instructor. In the day he ran with the gun to practice shooting on the move. At night he posed with the gun in front of the mirror to look more professional. Even when he slept he held the gun to practice rapid reloading on his chest. However, the rainy location had drastic temperature differences and high humidity morning and night. The rain made the climate colder than the north and even more bone chilling. The Ho Yun Tung played sniper had to run around the forest countless times, sliding from high grade, running on the grass, lying all day without moving at all on the stream bank, and even falling into a deep pool after an explosion. His assistant tag along with asthma medication and the doctor followed tightly behind. Luckily Ho Yun Tung remained tough. In the film all the men were in great shape, almost all had topless shooting scenes. Because he had to be topless, Ho Yun Tung almost everyday after work went to work out. He said to the director and other actors, "Each of us is responsible for one muscle!" Some were responsible for baring chest, some were responsible for showing arms, and some were responsible for flashing abdominal muscles. As for the rear they had to play rock, scissors and paper to decide! Ho Yun Tung so far remained the winner.

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