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Emperor Motion Picture FOUNDING OF A PARTY earlier cast Mainland female star Tang Wei in one of the roles. However yesterday rumors yet again surfaced that Tang Wei's entire role was removed. Originally thought to have been freed from her ban in the Mainland, she might have run into trouble again.

On the film's official site, all photos and trailers with Tang Wei vanished. Tang Wei and Liu Ye's May Four Movement chapter that was online earlier also vanished, now Li Qin has taken the "place".

Earlier banned in the Mainland due to LUST, CAUTION (SIK, GAI), Tang Wei's ban last year was lifted when she starred with Mainland superstars on the film FOUNDING OF A PARTY. Since its production she has already been rumored to be removed from the film numerous times. Yesterday the topic grew hot again online in the Mainland. Reportedly, because the film involved the sensitive subject of national politics, Mainland inspection has been very strict. From its production to now it has already gone through many department inspections. Tang Wei in the film played Mao Zedong's first girlfriend Tao Yi and actually did not have too much screen time in the entire film.

Emperor Motion Picture marketing department confirmed that the director was busy with the film's post production editing but had no idea whether Tang Wei's part was removed. When asked whether the company would ask the director, the department responded, "We are only distributing the film, we wouldn't go out of our way to understand. This film is a big production, with over 40 investors. We are the only Hong Kong representative, but for onw we still haven't seen the complete version because the directors are still editing the film. Yesterday we also saw the online rumor that Tang Wei was removed, but until we see (the film) we don't know. Earlier the film held a press conference in Beijing and the trailer still had Tang Wei. (Are you concerned about the release date?) No, earlier the Mainland release was announced on June 15, and on June 23 in Hong Kong."

Mainland media asked China Film Group vice president Shi Dongming, China Film Group sales vice president Fan Jianghua and the director Huang Jianxin for confirmation, no one had any idea. Shi Dongming said, "This didn't happen, why would such rumor appear?"

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