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Sammi Cheng Sau Man is Johnnie To Kei Fung's favorite actress. His relationship with her was like a mentor and a friend. To Sir also cared very much about Sammi's love life and hoped that she could find a good significant one. Two nights ago To Sir left to be on the Cannes Film Festival jury. Somewhat under the influence he was in high spirits, told Sammi to hurry up and have a child, and even gave a profanity laced warning to Andy Hui Chi On against abandoning Sammi. Otherwise he would "chop On Jai into ten pieces".

To Sir has always more than love Sammi. When Sammi stopped working for almost three years due to emotional issues, To Sir remained by her side. He often had dinner with her to cheer her up and tailored scripts for her, waiting for her return and giving endless support. Two nights ago To Sir and his wife headed for Cannes. Somewhat under the influence To Sir showed concern about Sammi's health and romance.

To Sir said that this time he would stay in Cannes for over 10 days, then he would return to Hong Kong to continue work on ROMANCING IN THIN AIR (GO HOI BUT JI LUEN II). Earlier Sammi joked that To Sir thought she was too bony and did not permit her to be in any hot spring scene. She even joked that she was so thin even her chest has sunken into her large intestines. To Sir honestly said, "She really is very thin, she had to wear three or four layers of clothing. She is also reluctant to eat, the production was very hard on her. I shipped some shrimps from the Mediterranean for her to cook in hot pot with, she didn't eat and said that she was afraid of getting fat. Although her acting isn't great, she is an actress who works very hard for the movie. Many people like her."

Would To Sir agree for Sammi to return to work in Hong Kong so she would have more time to be with her boyfriend Andy Hui Chi On? He said, "Of course! Hurry up and have a child too! The Lord would bless her, luckily she found God. If not she would already be dead!"

Would he keep a close eye on Louis Koo Tin Lok so old flames would not rekindle with Sammi? To Sir immediately broke out in profanity. "Yeah! If On Jai dumps her, I would chop his X into ten pieces. Sammi is the actress I love the most."

He said that over the years he has seen many rotten films at the Cannes Film Festival. This time a friend said many good films were selected, he hoped that his friend would not lie to him. To Sir said, "This time HIGH ALTITUDE ROMANCE to me is the biggest challenge in my life, I also treat it as a test of life. In life I have to learn from victory and defeat. This year in Cannes I will have to properly learn how to watch movies. Although this year China and Taiwan films are few, luckily we are still present. I hope everyone would work a little harder."

To Sir said that being on the jury, he was the happiest that his idol Robert De Niro would be the chair. He said, "Over 10 years he faces countless scripts and remains the most outstanding actor, which is very rare."

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