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Sherman Chung Shu Man's new record IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY reached gold record sales. Yesterday the record company Emperor held a celebration for her at the Peak. Two major executives Ng Yu and Mani Fok Man Hei attended. Sherman received the gold record and gave caricature drawings to Ng Yu and the advertiser. Sherman happily said that she did not expect the new record to perform so well and stated that she had to treat co-workers to dinner. She planned to work more songs and hoped to release several more records. Speaking of Nicholas Tse Ting Fung's troubled marriage, Sherman honestly said that she texted him but she would
not be nosy about other people's family. Last month when they worked on an ad, Ting Fung not only appeared to be happy and fine but also taught her acting.

Speaking of Ting Fung's troubled marriage rumors, Mani honestly said that yesterday she contacted Ting Fung who was working on THE VIRAL FACTOR (YIK JIN) in Malaysia. However they did not talk about anything personal. She also praised Ting Fung as professional as he would never let rumors affect his work emotions. However this time he had many dangerous scenes in the film and insisted on personally performing them, thus she reminded him not to think too much to avoid endangering his life. Earlier Ting Fung just completed a eight story jump and rolling down stairs. Mani also said that every time Ting Fung worked on a movie overseas, after work he liked to hide in the hotel and slept. The only activity he did outside his room was going to swim and work out at the gym, but now reporters were everywhere he no longer dared to go to the pool. Speaking of Pak Chi's rumored real estate speculation and her trip to meet with Ting Fung in Malaysia, Mani said that she would only respond to questions about her artists. She also hoped that the matter would fade away. She revealed that Ting Fung after VIRAL will return to the Mainland for a television series, but she hoped to be able to fight for a few days off for him and even suggested for him to recharge overseas.

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