[2011.06.13] 1911 BEGINS PROMOTION

Sun Chun, Zhang Li, Li Bingbing, Hu Ge, Winston Chao

courtesy of

The Jackie Chan directed, over 70 superstars starred epic film 1911: REVOLUTION this morning held its first official press conference. Director Zhang Li, writer Wang Xingdong along with Winston Chao (Chiu Man Suen), Li Bingbing, Sun Chun, Ning Jing, Hu Ge and others attended. Jackie Chan who played revolutionary Huang Xing even shouldered the film's chief director duty, but he was absent as he was working on a film in France.

One of the film's investors Media Asia film boss Peter Lam Kin Ngok yesterday attended the press conference as well. Speaking of rumors of Cecilia Cheung Pak Chi signing three years with Media Asia for 100 million, he honestly said that he read the report and admitted that Pak Chi went to the company to discuss scripts.

The film was based on the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Huang Xing led Tongmenghui that took to an armed revolt. A scalpel that was on display in Dr. Sun's home was the prop that connected the entire film, which fully displayed the Xinhai Revolution.

In the film Li Bingbing played revolutionary Xu Zonghan, wife of the Jackie Chan played Huang Xing. They performed a romance during the war. Bingbing said that this was her second film with Jackie Chan. While playing Xu Zonghan she was filled with admiration for this woman who was gentle on the outside and strong on the inside. At the same time, as a first time film investor, executive producer and producer Bingbing said that she saw the box office potential for this film. "This film production was very tough, but I believe the result is great. I also believe viewers would definitely like this big film of an international subject."

Joining 1911: REVOLUTION was Winston Chao who played Dr. Sun for the fifth time and was called the "Professional Father of the Nation". Despite playing the role several times, he still said that the film performance would give him a lot of pressure. He said, "Ultimately no one dares to say he is 100% like him." Winston Chao revealed that in the film the Dr. Sun look "bared the most resemblance" and was more like the Xinhai Revolution Sun Yat-Sun image. During the shoot he wore a mouth piece to look more like him. He also thought that Dr. Sun was a very perfect person with such a greater love in his heart. This was what his
performance focused on.

At the press conference, the team revealed three official posters. The most heavyweight class poster with the red flag was particularly sharp, symbolizing the Xinhai Revolution's first flag for
the Chinese Revolution. According to the film company, the film has already sold its North American rights to Well Go. "The purchase of this film is not just because the film's historical significance but also because it is Jackie Chan's 100th film." Currently the film has already
entered its post production stages and will be released on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution 100th anniversary in September 2011 nationwide.

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