GREEN LANTERN Box Office Footnote - June 19

The 22% drop for GREEN LANTERN on Saturday is fairly disastrous:  Thor, X-Men and Pirates 4 all dropped about 8% on their first Saturdays, and Super 8 actually increased.  (Hangover 2 and Kung Fu Panda 2 opened on Wednesdays, so their weeks had a different dynamic.)  Obviously, this indicates terrible word of mouth for the movie.  The only thing keeping its weekend above $50M is the traditionally robust boxoffice on Father's Day.  Warners is estimating only a 15% drop from Saturday to Sunday, which would be reasonable for a strong movie, but is aggressive for a picture people don't like.  (By comparison, Fox is estimating a 19% drop for MR. POPPER'S PENGUINS.)  All of which is to say, don't be surprised if the Green Lantern number gets even lower when actuals are released tomorrow.

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