Poll Results: What June Release Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Oh, I am just so happy to see that the clear lead for most anticipated June releases is The Tree of Life with 27%. It's an absolutely fantastic film and I need to review it ! That will be a challenge, but a good one. Next up is a tie Bad Teacher & Transformers: Dark of the Moon at 18% each (not sure I'll see those), then Super 8 at 13% and another tie with Green Lantern & X-Men: First Class with 9% each. Rounding out Submarine at 4%, such a wild variety of films this month!

27% - The Tree of Life
18% - Tie: Bad Teacher & Transformers: Dark of the Moon
13% - Super 8
9% - Tie: Green Lantern & X-Men: First Class
4% - Submarine

Thanks for voting!

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