Summer of Sci Fi Will Begin Next Week!

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Note: I have no idea what settings my camera was on to get such a crazy washed out pic!

So. Today was to be my first post and review and exploration for the epicness of Summer of SciFi. But, here's the thing. Somehow I didn't really factor in the fact I would be away for a week while at the World Domination Summit and that during that time, I may ... perhaps... may not see a SciFi film. Ah, I should have seen that one coming! Must have been distracted by all the great coffee and general awesomeness of Portland. But don't worry, I'll still have 12 weeks of SciFi goodness to share and explore.

For those chomping at the bit to get going, I'll be starting next week with X-Men: First Class and/or Super 8 and/or The Tree of Life and their possible SciFi goodness (still have to see Super 8 to figure out which subgenre category it fits in). I've also posted a poll where you can vote for which of the subgenres you are most interested in. It's a vote for as many as you like poll, so click as many options as you like!

Thanks for your patience.

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