Worldwide Short Film Festival Award 2011 Winners


It's time to check out the winners for the The Worldwide Short Film Festival for 2011. These awards hold particular weight as the Canadian award winners become eligible for Genie Awards and the winners of the Best Live-Action Short and Best Animated Short are eligible for the Academy Awards. That means we may be seeing some of these names again during the 2012 awards season. Exciting! Although as chance would have it I didn't actually see any of the winners this year. I have dreadful luck with that. Congratulations to all the winners!

The Bravo!FACT Award for Best Canadian Short
Cold Blood / Sang froid, directed by Martin Thibaudeau (Canada)

The Deluxe Award for Best Live Action Short
Aglaée, directed by Rudi Rosenberg (France)
Honourable Mention: Sleepless Night / Nuit blance, directed by Samuel Tilman (Belgium)

The Deluxe Award for Best Performance in a Live-Action Short
Aline Kolditz and Lea Kolditz as Mieke in Fathermotherchild / Vatermutterkind, directed by Daniel Karl Krause (Germany)

The Kodak Award for Best Cinematography in a Canadian Short
Cinematographer Ian Lagarde for Nowhere Elsewhere / Au milieu de nulle part ailleurs, directed by Annick Blanc (Canada)

The Panasonic Award For Best Documentary Short
I Am A Girl!, directed by Susan Koenen (Netherlands)

Best Animated Short
The Tannery, directed by Iain Gardner (UK)
Honourable Mention: The Gallery / Galeria, directed by Robert Proch (Poland)

The Best Experimental Short
The Death of An Insect / ERÄÄN HYÖNTEISEN TUHO, directed by Kiitos, Hannes Vartiainen and Pekka Veikkolainen (Finland)

Screenplay Giveaway Prize
David Widdicombe for Wake
Runner Up: Jason Hreno for Sam and Rea's Fault

TELUS Audience Choice Award
The Gruffalo, directed by Jakob Schuh and Max Lang (UK, Germany)

The Worldwide Short Film Festival ran from May 31 - June 5, 2011 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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