THE BIJOU: Early Weekend Boxoffice With Benefits

Deadline has rough estimates for the weekend boxoffice, and they're pretty much in keeping with Friday's numbers.  The biggest surprise, if the number holds, would be that Paramount is estimating CAPTAIN AMERICA:  THE FIRST AVENGER at $65.5M, slightly below its own Thor debut of $65.7M.  The explanation may be that Saturday's number is looking like $1.3M below Thor's, which makes even the $65.5M total a stretch, needing a better Sunday than Thor had.

HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS (PART 2) is headed for a 71% plummet from last week.  Unexpectedly, this could mean that the race between Harry Potter and Transformers for #1 picture of the summer could end up being neck-and-neck, with Transformers headed for $350M+ and Harry not much more than that.  (For those following the Metcalf vs. Salem Summer Draft Showdown, this also means a closer finish than Team Salem was expecting, especially since Metcalf has both Cowboys and Aliens and Crazy Stupid Love next week, leaving me with the cold comfort of The Smurfs.)  

The FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS opening is a little soft, heading for $18.7M (lower than its precursor No Strings Attached and all the summer's R-rated comedies).  Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, it seems, are still knocking at the door to A-list movie stardom.

Look for Mitch Metcalf's full analysis of the official studio estimates later this morning, and international grosses as soon as they're released.

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