THE SKED: WEDNESDAY -- Early Results

Facing the finale of America's Got Talent (a 3.3 demo rating from 8:00-9:30), Survivor premiered at a 3.3 or 3.4 (depending on rounding) last night, slightly below our Fall forecast for the granddaddy of all reality shows.  Interest should build as the season on the island wears on so it could hit our projected number for the quarter.

The final half hour of America's Got Talent built to a 4.1 Adult 18-49 rating (from 9:30 to 10:00), providing a terrific lead-in for the Up All Night preview (3.7 demo rating).  As expected, Hank Azaria in Free Agents fell 43% to a 2.1 rating at 10:30.  Up All Night is well above our projected average for the Fall.  Before we declare it a hit, let's see where it settles at 8 pm next week when it faces an original Survivor and comedy incumbent The Middle on ABC.  But this is a great start for the Christina Applegate comedy.  As for Free Agents, it is a solid candidate to become one soon.

Mini-network The CW opened H8R to a feeble 0.6 rating.  America's Next Top Model tried to recover at 9 pm, but is looking like a 0.9 rating for its premiere at best.

WEDNESDAY FALL 2011 Estimates         Episode Rating     
                    May   Sep   #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   Avg
 800 The Middle     2.7   2.7   9/21

 830 Suburgatory    2.3   2.4   9/28
 900 Modern Family  4.6   4.6   9/21
 930 Happy Endings  3.0   2.9   9/28
1000 Revenge        2.2   2.3   9/21 

 800 Survivor       3.6   3.6   3.4
 900 Criminal Minds 3.7   3.7   9/21
1000 CSI            2.6   2.6   9/21
 800 Up All Night   1.9   2.1   3.7
 830 Free Agents    1.6   1.6   2.1

 900 Harry's Law    2.2   2.2   9/21
1000 L&O SVU        2.3   2.3   9/21
 800 X-Factor       3.3   3.3   9/21   
 900 X-Factor       3.7   3.7   
 930 Hate My Teenge 2.6   2.5   11/30

 800 H8R            n/a   n/a   0.6
 900 Next Top Model n/a   n/a   0.9

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