WEEKEND BOX OFFICE December 30-January 1

As expected yesterday, the actuals for Sunday, January 1, are coming in much lower than the studios estimated.  The top 10 films look like they grossed closer to $43 million Sunday, much lower than the $53 million estimated yesterday.  The $43 million number is much closer to the historical pattern of a January 1 on a Sunday (last seen in the 2005 holiday season).  The forecast for today's box office is much more in line with historical patterns.

                 DAILY TOTAL GROSS of TOP 10 MOVIES
           2011        2010        2006        2005
Dec 21  $27.5 Wed   $22.0 Tue   $17.8 Thu   $20.5 Wed
Dec 22  $24.8 Thu   $31.1 Wed   $39.6 Fri   $22.8 Thu
Dec 23  $37.1 Fri   $33.5 Thu   $43.3 Sat   $36.4 Fri
Dec 24  $22.1 Sat   $23.6 Fri   $20.1 Sun   $20.2 Sat
Dec 25  $54.5 Sun   $52.5 Sat   $49.4 Mon   $41.4 Sun
Dec 26  $61.8 Mon   $48.8 Sun   $49.5 Tue   $55.2 Mon
Dec 27  $45.6 Tue   $41.6 Mon   $41.9 Wed   $40.1 Tue
Dec 28  $41.5 Wed   $41.6 Tue   $39.9 Thu   $37.8 Wed
Dec 29  $41.0 Thu   $41.7 Wed   $48.5 Fri   $38.1 Thu
Dec 30  $49.6 Fri   $43.1 Thu   $51.5 Sat   $45.1 Fri
Dec 31  $42.3 Sat   $41.7 Fri   $34.1 Sun   $35.8 Sat
Jan 01  $42.8 Sun   $57.1 Sat   $41.0 Mon   $42.6 Sun
Jan 02  $38.2*Mon   $38.6 Sun   $20.4 Tue   $36.5 Mon

* - Estimated by Studios

NOTE: Top films: 2010 (Little Fockers, True Grit, TRON Legacy), 2006 (Night at the Museum, Pursuit of Happyness, Dreamgirls), 2005 (King Kong, Chronicles of Narnia, Fun with Dick and Jane)

This Weekend Actuals

The three-day Friday-Sunday totals were over-estimated on Sunday for each movie by each studio, usually by about $1 million per film and in some cases $1.5 million or more.  Updated weekend figures and ShowBuzz Daily Domestic Final estimates are summarized below. 

Weekend of                           Sunday   Monday   ShowBuzz
Dec 30 2011-Jan 1 2012               Studio   Weekend  Domestic
(millions)                          Estimate  Actual    Total

Mission: Impossible 4        (Par)    $31.3   $29.6     $220
Sherlock Holmes 2             (WB)    $22.1   $21.0     $185
Alvin & Chipmunks 3          (Fox)    $18.3   $16.4     $120
Girl Dragon Tattoo          (Sony)    $16.3   $14.8     $105
War Horse                 (DW/Dis)    $16.9   $14.4     $ 90
We Bought a Zoo              (Fox)    $14.3   $13.2     $ 85
Adventures of Tintin         (Par)    $12.0   $11.4     $ 85
New Year's Eve             (WB/NL)    $ 6.7   $ 6.4     $ 50
Darkest Hour                 (Sum)    $ 4.3   $ 4.3     $ 31
The Descendants              (Fox)    $ 3.7   $ 3.4     $ 52

Updated international box office figures should be posted shortly.

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