Oh Happy Day!


Every February I look forward to this day, the day which I get to pick up the Film Review Year in Review Yearbook. I first got this back in 2001 (is that long enough ago to even say 'back in'?), when I was seriously getting into film due to taking a GenEd Film class while studying fashion. I missed the 2005 issue (grr!!), but otherwise have all issues since then and plan on always getting them.

It's a magazine from the UK, so the release dates are completely different than here in Canada, which is one reason I like to get the issues in succession. I also love that it doesn't feel the need to bow down to Hollywood films and says what is what. It goes without saying that it is a great resource for UK films. Out of all the reviews, I often add their 5/5 reviews to the every growing 'must see list'. There were only 27 5/5 reviews (excluding re-releases) so I think I'll consider picking out some of the 4/5's this year.It is also a great resource to hear about films that haven't gotten a lot of coverage here, this issue had 113 films I've never heard of which floored me considering I write about new releases every week!

It's one of the best days there is, I love to read though the reviews with tea and highlighter in hand, plotting and planning and listing away!


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