Fall Preview


If feels early to be talking about fall but it appears that will be what happens when Labour Day falls as early as it can on Sept 1/08. This preview is actually for the remainder of 2008 as it would see unfair to leave off the possible Oscar bait that sneaks in so close to the end of the year.

All dates noted are the anticipated Canadian release date and are subject change. We have already had 2 major changes for the fall schedule with Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince moving from Nov 08 to Summer 09, and Star Trek from Christmas 08 to Summer 09.

One of the things I always find strange about early fall releases which are concurrent with TIFF is when people are die hard about seeing them at TIFF. I've never understood this. Is it the buzz? The opportunity to see it before anyone else? The chance to see the director and cast? If this is something that gets your motor running, please share your story - I'd love to hear it!

Without further adieu, here is the fall preview.

Burn After Reading (Sept 12/08)
The Buzz: Coen Brothers runner up to last years successful No Country for Old Men. The trailer really set people on fire with interest and the star studded cast includes Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand, George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, Richard Jenkins and many more.

Women, The (Sept 12/08)
Remake of the 1939 film which included an all women cast (what a feat for the time!) Current release star Meg Ryan, Annette Bening, Bette Midler, Debra Messing and the list goes on. Film is centric to romance and relationships.

Appoloosa (Sept 19/08)
Directed by and starring Ed Harris we are brought a western that on face value appears pretty brutal - and that is from the good guys. Cast also includes Viggo Mortensen, Renée Zellweger and Jeremy Irons. Initially received a lot of buzz but that has died down in the past little while.

Duchess, The (Sept 19/08)
Historical drama starring Keira Knightly as the Duchess of Devonshire. One of the top spoilerific trailers of the year, however does star a strong female lead in a time where that was not the norm.

Choke (Sept 26/08)
Based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club) this film sure is striving to push buttons. I've found it challenging to piece together what the plot is in this film, and currently uncertain to whether or not that is a good or bad thing

Eagle Eye (Sept 26/08)
This film has been heavily promoted for months and although the trailer brings us to obvious themes from numerous films (The Matrix, Phone Booth, heck even Dirty Harry) the irony is the plot isn't all that clear.

Nights in Rodanthe (Sept 26/08)
The trailer shows way too much in this drama/romance starring Diane Lane and Richard Gere but I will admit it pulled my heart strings and almost brought a tear to my eye so I will be seeing it.

Blindness (Oct 3/08)
Director Fernando Meirelles follow up to the acclaimed City of God. Blindness stars Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo in a this drama/thriller that is making its waves through the festival circuit.

RocknRolla (Oct 8/08)
The buzz is the hope for Guy Ritchie returning to the roots of his hilarious crime/comedies (Snatch & Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) in this film starring Gerard Butler.

City of Ember (Oct 10/08)
The trailer for this is absolutely enchanting, it is always exciting to see a new fantasy film.

Quarantine (Oct 10/08)
Remake of the Spanish horror film [REC]. I think I'll see the original [REC] instead when it plays at the Bloor in September. Want to know more? Check out the cool viral marketing with this audience reaction clip (post has spoilers).

Flash of Genius (Oct 17/08)
Another festival circuit film but I see the appeal of this based on true story of the everyday man fighting evil corporation starring Greg Kinnear as an innovative and determined inventor.

Max Payne (Oct 17/08)
Mark Wahlberg as a cop revenge film, to be honest I'm not sure what this one is about. Is it based on a comic or something?

Passchendaele (Oct 17/08)
Canadian WWI film which looks fantastic. I don't normally consider seeing war films but this is from auteur Paul Gross and has already brought tears to my eyes more than once. It is the opening night Gala film for TIFF'08.

Changeling, The (Oct 24/08)
Newest film from Clint Eastwood, rumours of it may be renamed which I wouldn't be adverse to. I'll always associate this title with the Canadian supernatural horror film that scared the socks off me.

Saw V (Oct 24/08)
Are they already up to five films? Another Saw film, just in time for Halloween.

Australia (Nov 14/08)
Highly anticipated historical drama from Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rogue!) starring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. I've been avoiding coverage on this one because I have a feeling it will be rather special and I would like to see it with fresh eyes.

Quantum of Solace (Nov 14/08)
It appears we all like Daniel Craig so James Bond is back, to attack! I've been avoiding info on this one as well but have been trekking through the Bond archives hoping to share some historical insights on this series in the near future.

Bolt (Nov 21/08)
Alarmingly cute animated film about a naive dog on a journey to save his friend. Animated films don't always get me but the earnestness of Bolt had me cheering for him at the get go.

Road, The (Nov 21/08)
Viggo Mortensen graces us again with his presence in this dark film based on a Cormac McCarthy novel. The book is rather dark but has a fascinating narrative style and is quite the page turner. I have no idea how they will successfully make this into a film but so far people appear to be impressed.

Twilight (Nov 21/08)
Teen Vampire Romance Thriller. Roswell meets Buffy in film form. Based on the bestselling novels by Stephenie Meyer. Fan base for the novels is huge and I'm certain the film will pull them all in, including me. Stars Kristen Steward and Robert Pattinson (Cedric Diggory from the Harry Potter films).

Milk (Nov 26/08)
Gus Van Sant (Paranoid Park, Gerry) directs Sean Penn as an openly gay politician and activist.

Day the Earth Stood Still, The (Dec 12/08)
A remake of 50's science fiction starring Keanu Reeves. From what has currently been released, it does appear to diverge from the original and feels like it relies a lot on the special effects.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The (Dec 19/08)
Another big fan base due to being based on a book by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Stars Brad Pitt in the titular role, scenes from the film were released at Telluride 2008 so expect to hear buzz about the film soon. Story has some family appeal and it's slotted for a holiday release date so it could be a big one.

Revolutionary Road (Dec 26/08)
Sam Mendes (American Beauty) directs Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicapro in this period 50's piece. Haven't heard much about this one as of year, will be interesting to see how it develops.

Valkyrie (Dec 26/08)
Latest from Bryan Singer (X-Men, The Usual Suspects) starring Tom Cruise in a historically set film in WWII. I find it hard to remember what this film is about as I keep thinking of Valkyries in the Nordic sense, I even dressed up as on for Halloween a few years back. There are pictures of that.. somewhere...

That is the Fall Preview - what looks good to you?


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