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THE HOSPITAL star Janine Chang Chun-Ning and MY QUEEN class president James Wen Sheng-Hao after working together on an ad campaign 7 years ago teamed up recently for the Taiwan film ZOOM HUNTING. In the film Chang Chun-Ning played a photographer who catches married man Wen Sheng-Hao's affairs with many women, yet they only have one scene together. Thus they hoped to be able to work with each other again in the future.

Chang Chun-Ning said, "We become friends from working together. Although we haven't worked together in between, we still pay attention to news about the other and encourage each other. His road to stardom isn't so smooth, it has always been tough but he persists with hard work. Now seeing his performance I am very happy for him." Chang Chun-Ning also revealed that she fought for the photographer role with the director. She said, "The director originally wanted me to play the detective novelist, I felt that I played too many quiet characters and wanted some breakthrough. So I made the suggestion to the director. To play this photographer, I deliberately cooked up an afro!"

A former model all covered in muscles, Wen Sheng-Hao in order to play this ordinary working class guy who cheats on his wife deliberately gains 7 pounds and gets a belly. He even makes a sacrifice for art and performs the love scene in the buff. Is he afraid that the loving good man image from MY QUEEN that he has built is ruined in a moment? He says, "I was afraid that the audience would not accept it and hesitated, but in the end I still took it. An actor had to be professional and should try different characters and genres. The audience after watching this film felt that I was better as a cheating man, which proved that I performed well." Dropping off his idol baggage, Wen Sheng-Hao admits that more directors have approached him with film offers. He hopes to have a chance to work with Hong Kong directors and actors because he grew up watching Hong Kong films like A MOMENT OF ROMANCE (TIN YEUK YAU CHING), GOD OF GAMBLERS (DOH SUN), INFERNAL AFFAIRS (MO GAN DOH) and listening to Cantonese songs. He can understand Cantonese, only that he does not dare speak it.

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