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Maggie Cheung Man Yuk promoted the English short film BETTER LIFE at the Venice Film Festival. In a Cable Entertainment interview, she expressed that her best life would be stable, happy and with friends around her. How many films she made or honor she won would be secondary. She would be satisfied with waking up everyday and see the people she loves.

Many people feel the perfect life is marriage and having one's own family. Cheung Man Yuk felt that marriage to her was unimportant. She valued more the feeling of being with those around her, marriage would give her pressure. Earlier she was married once. She remembered she was very afraid at the moment of signing the marriage certificate and asked herself why would she need this piece of paper? People who love freedom might not be suitable for marriage. She also liked children. Many of her friends left their children in her care so she has always postponed her parenthood plans. Now she might not consider it again as she tried her best to help children in need.

She earlier said that she would like to work with John Woo (Ng Yu Sum). When asked whether she had any future film project, she said that she had no acting plan for the next year. If she ran into anything that interested her she might.

She was once linked to Tony Leung Chiu Wai in rumors. Wai Jai's wife Carina Lau Ka Ling came to Venice with her film DETECTIVE DEE AND THE MYSTERY OF THE PHANTOM FLAME (DIK YUN KIT ji TUNG TIN DAI GOK). She revealed that she definitely would take time to attend the premiere, as the media looked forward to her sharing the stage with Ka Ling. Later
she told Taiwan reporters that yesterday morning she would leave the Water City and said that no one invited her to the premiere. Thus Maggie missed out on the chance to run into "old rival" Lau Ka Ling.

The 45 year old Cheung Man Yuk said that she would not use Botox to look younger, but she was prepared to be able to play Jackie Chan's grandmother in a few years. She did not mind whether she looked beautiful or ugly on the silver screen. She only wanted to age gracefully. Female
stars might be passionate about walking the red carpet, which was a chore to her. She said that lately she became interested in sound editing. She hoped for her next film she would not be an actor but an editor. She said after winning Cannes Best Actress with CLEAN, she began to try new things. Lately she has fallen for music creation but stressed that she might not release a record. Speaking of originally guest starring in the Quentin Tarantino film INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS, she said her role was completely cut from the film. She said, "I too feel that was somewhat regrettable, perhaps it was because my performance wasn't good enough!"

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