courtesy of mingpao.com

The film THE STOOL PIGEON (SIN YUN) after 11 days in release made 9.4 million at the box office. Last night the film company held a celebration. Attendees included Nick Cheung Ka Fai, Sherman Chung Shu Man, Deep Ng Ho Hong and director Dante Lam Chiu Yin. Nicholas Tse Ting Fung was absent due to work. Was Ka Fai satisfied with the box office? He honestly said that he was very satisfied and very happy. Was this his expected performance? he said, "I of course wanted to make 17 million. (Last time you said 16 million!) Because I feel the momentum is strong. Without any major foreign film, the film still has a few more weeks in release. The word of mouth has been great too. Last year I went to sleep with a smile on my face." Ka Fai pointed out that the Sunday box office was 800,000, even more than the opening day's 600,000. Now as soon as the director received the box office result he would contacted him. Since it has become a habit, he could not sleep if he did not receive it.
Earlier Ka Fai said that he could make a hole in his pants to thank everyone if the box office reached 16 million. Reporters joked now that the performance might be even better, would he switch to skinny dipping? Ka Fai said, "No, wearing ripped pants is fashion but skinny dipping is illegal." Will he get Ting Fung to wear ripped pants too because Ting Fung rarely promoted? Ka Fai said, "I don't know, ask him. I think he would be willing. Maybe I will drag him in too." Would his wife approve? He said that should be no problem. He said when THE BEAST STALKER (JING YUN) was released, it made 7.9 million in three weeks. Now that has already been surpassed. Would winning an award with this film be even more perfect? Ka Fai pointed out that the film was still in release and awards were by chance. Would he have to worry about the box office anymore? He said that now he has turned from worried to greedy. He would like it to perform even better. How did he prepare to reward himself? Ka Fai stated that he would like to take half a year off, but another film will start production in October. At most he could only take a month off, which would already be great.
Jackie Chan recently fell into a "donation controversy". His good friend Albert Yeung Sau Sing last night at the celebration clarified on his behalf. Mr. Yeung stated that he donated 10 million with Jackie Chan. By noon the day after the earthquake the check already arrived at the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He knew Jackie Chan for 30 years and trusted him. He also pointed out that Jackie Chan has always been very serious with money and could not drag his feet. He would not take any legal action as he believed in innocence until proven guilty. Mr. Yeung also pointed out that the Ministry of Civil Affairs was official, the most front line ministry in the Mainland. It was not frivolous. They did charity out of their hearts but they could not anything against deliberate speculation. Jackie Chan also knew about this. Mr. Yeung said that Jackie Chan told him, "You know me the best, you know I wouldn't do that."
Reportedly Jackie Chan was not returning to Hong Kong to avoid gossips. Mr. Yeung pointed out that he actually was busy preparing a new film that will start production at the end of the month, CHINESE ZODIAC. He also revealed that Jackie Chan also was melancholy over his Philippine
incident comments. He pointed out that Jackie Chan only wanted everyone not to be so extreme, his intention was right. he did not want anyone to have too much hostility and negativity. That day he only took one look at his assistant's comments, then it was posted. He pointed out that Jackie Chan meant well, only sometimes did not use the right words. Would he
advise Jackie Chan? Mr. Yeung pointed out that they have been friends for years, together in both honor and disgrace.
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