courtesy of

Karena Lam Ka Yun earlier announced that she was studying overseas and eased out of show business, at the time she already caused quite a reaction in the business. Yesterday a report claimed that Lam Ka Yung was dating a married ad director, but when the director and his wife
were divorced Ka Yun and the director broke up. Ka Yun was even rumored to be pregnant in Canada. Although Ka Yun's Filmko contract has ended, their relationship has been decent.

Yesterday Filmko issued a statement about recent negative reports, stated that it was investigating the source of the information and reserving all rights to take legal action. However it did not confirm whether Ka Yun was pregnant.

The statement was as below

1. Filmko has worked with Ms. Lam Ka Yun for nine years based on mutual understanding, respect and conceptual agreement, Filmko ultimately insists on displaying her healthy, fresh and independent artist image.

2. Since 2010, Filmko and Ms. Lam Ka Yun have reached an exclusive agency relationship. Filmko respects all of her personal wishes and her overseas studies lifestyle.

3. With the massively appeared harmful information against Ms. Lam Ka Yun, Filmko in order to protect its artists is investigating the source of the information and reserves the power to take legal action. It also hopes that the media do not report and relay unconfirmed and untrue
information that harms Ms. Lam Ka Yun.

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