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Two nights ago an ailing Cecilia Cheung Pak Chi worked until 10PM and rested until 7AM before returning to work on her new film THE LION ROARS 2 (HOR TUNG SI HAU 2). On the set Pak Chi reportedly would work for 16 hours and end the work day at 11PM. In order to return to Hong Kong to handle her family matter she had to take the earliest flight back to Hong Kong despite being sick.

The film investment company Asia Entertainment Group chief Yu Yuk Hing yesterday confirmed that Pak Chi would rush for the earliest flight out of Ningbo. Would Pak Chi see a doctor in Hong Kong? Yu did not directly respond, only saying that Pak Chi's primary concern was resolving her family matter. Did Pak Chi discuss the strategy with him? He said, "Right now I am not at liberty to give any advice, I am only worried about her health." Yu also said that Pak Chi said, "Don't worry, I can completely handle it! Even if I am ailing, as soon as I take my mark I become another person."

Pak Chi yesterday although somewhat worn down on the set but still looked great. While waiting for her shot she was chatting and laughing. The team revealed that Pak Chi mainly had to work on emotional scenes with lead actor Xiao Shenyang and second female lead Shen Fangxi. Fully in character, she delivered a simple line like "Then I am leaving" full of drama. No wonder director Joe Ma Wai Ho had nothing but praise for her. "She doesn't have too many bad takes!"

Meanwhile Nicholas Tse Ting Fung did not sleep much either as he tried to complete his production to see his sons in Hong Kong. Yesterday he worked until 6AM and returned to work four hours later until right before he went on his flight.

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