I'm a list lover. But, let you in on a secret - I hate making ranked lists. I cringe away from doing top tens because 1) it's hard to narrow anything to ten with so much greatness out there and 2) no one likes being second best! Or tenth. But seriously, there are so many variables that go into the experience of watching a film that quantifying it to a number system feels too cold and in a lot of ways inaccurate. But, when I was thinking about what Upcoming 2010 films I was looking forward too I had no problem ranking them. Who knew it would be easy to quantify anticipation as opposed to result?
And just when it looked like this was going to be all nice & neat, it turned into a list of 21. All the more to look forward to! But before we get to the list, here are the notable exceptions - they didn't qualify either because they feel like 2009 films due to festival runs or more likely because 2010 release dates are up in the air:
- Hamlet - directed by Catherine Hardwick (Twilight) starring Emile Hirsch (no release date)
- District 13: Ultimatum / Banlieue 13 - Ultimatum a sequel to District B13 / Banlieue B13 and sure to have more awesome parkour action (no Canadian release date), now available on DVD and Blu-Ray
- Centurion - Neil Marshall directing a film based on a splinter group of Roman soldier fight behind enemy lines, stars Michael Fassbender and Dominic West (no Canadian release date)
- The Social Network - bizarre to do a 'Facebook' film but I'll see anything Andrew Garfield (Boy A, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus) is in, and it's directed by David Fincher. (release date: October 15, 2010)
- Robin Hood (2010) - Recent trailer feels so Gladiatoresque makes me a little worried so just didn't quite make the cut. (release date: May 14, 2010)
- Fish Tank - has gotten huge acclaim but I don't know enough about it yet to toot that horn
- Agora - Rachel Weisz in a sword & sandal/mythical something I'm not sure but looks amazing (no Canadian release date)
- 44 Inch Chest - Casting along has lured me in: Ray Winstone, John Hurt, Ian McShane, Tom Wilkinson, Stephen Dillane. Hesitation is it could be pretty freaking overly machismo. (no Canadian release date, now available on DVD)
- Dorian Gray - Can't wait to see most recent adaptation of the book this time starring Ben Barnes as Dorian Gray, Colin Firth as Henry and Ben Chaplin as Basil. (no Canadian release date)

Shannon the Movie Moxie's 21 Most Anticipated Films of 2010
21. A Nightmare on Elm Street
This one just makes the cut because I'm little leery of horror remakes, especially after Friday the 13th (2009), but I can't help but be curious to how Nancy and Freddy get along this time. Plus - female protagonist! (release date: Friday April 30, 2010)
20. Micmacs
I'll see anything directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet who brought us Amelie, City of the Lost Children and Delicatessen. Anything. I even forget, and try to forget, Aliens: Resurrection. (release date: May 2010)
19. Splice
I've only heard good buzz about this film, and it's one that I have a feeling I don't want to know too much about it. Feels horror based but genre bending. Thrilled it is getting a regular release! (release date: April 2010)
18. The A-Team
I was only mildly curious about this remake of the 80's TV show. That is until I saw the trailer which won me over promising an action packed thrill ride with characters we are guaranteed to love. Bring it on! (release date: Friday June 11, 2010)
17. Inception
Christopher Nolan is surely one of the most interesting directors out there, continually bringing us intriguing stories presented in slick, compelling and intelligent packages. I didn't love The Dark Knight but will always praise the brilliance of Memento, The Prestige and Batman Begins. (release date: Friday July 16, 2010)
16. Alice in Wonderland (2010)
I'm staying on the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp/Helen Bonham Carter train until they kick me off. And then I'll sneak back in again. Always look forward to Tim Burton's work, especially when it brings us rich worlds of artistic wonder. (release date: Friday March 5, 2010)
(15. Priest - Now to be released March 4, 2011)
1 of the 2 films in 2010 where Scott Stewart is directing, Paul Bettany is starring and the film is of a fantastical / religious nature. Doesn't 2010 rock already? This one is a vampire film where a priest decides not to hunt them. Aw, we just love our vampires now don't well? Add to the awesomeness: Karl Urban (Star Trek) and Cam Gigandet (Twilight) are among the cast. (release date: Friday August 20, 2010, revised released date: Jan 14, 2011)
14. Tron Legacy
This one I'm slightly skeptical on but and rooting for it to be awesome. I am fascinated by the fact they are keeping the casting from the original Tron with Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner (who will always be Sheridan from B5 in my eyes). That's gutsy. And I like gutsy. (release date: Friday December 17, 2010)
13. Frozen
This film looks like the total definition of a small horror film that could. Small cast, limited locations, absolutely terrifying idea. Although, it might do for ski places what Open Water did for diving. But, I don't winter sports so I'm so there. (release date: February 5, 2010)
12. The Runaways
Biopic about the band The Runaways, and the trailer looks freaking awesome. Stars Kristen Stewart (Twilight) as Joan Jett, Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie and Stella Maeve as Sandy West. Time to rock out. (release date: Friday March 19, 2010)
11. Beastly (released date shifted to 2011)
A new interpretation of Beauty and the Beast, set in New York. That was really all I needed to know. (release date: Friday July 30, 2010. Revised: March 18, 2011)
10. The Crazies
The trailer for this film gets me every time, although I agree with folks that are say "Mad World" shouldn't be allowed to be used for trailers anymore - but with this one it fits so perfectly. I'm slightly concerned because it's a remake - of a 1973 George A. Romero film, but... it still looks like some great horror. Add to the fact that Radha Mitchell (Pitch Black, The Waiting City) is in it, and I won't be able to stay away. (release date: Friday February 26, 2010)
9. The Trotsky
This film feels so Canadian it's not even funny. The odd thing is, if you aren't Canadian I don't think you'd pick up on it - which is ever more interesting. Jay Baruchel stars a teen who thinks he's the reincarnation of Trotsky. Stars a whole slew of Canadian actors including Emily Hampshire, Liane Balaban and Genevieve Bujold. (release date: Friday May 14, 2010)
8. Legion
This is the other of the 2 fantastical / religious films in 2010 with Scott Stewart directing and Paul Bettany starring. Fallen angels, possible apocalypse, sure to be lots of fighting and epicness. Can't wait! (release date: Friday January 22, 2010)
7. The Wolfman (2010)
Always interested in creature films, and I'll think vampires will stay my favourite in most situations, werewolves certainly have possibilities. I didn't realize how many remakes would make this list, but this is yet another one a remake of the 1941 The Wolf Man and new version stars Benicio Del Toro in the title role. Rawr. (release date: Friday February 12, 2010)
6. Crazy Heart
The trailer alone had me on the verge of tears in this long weathered musician who makes another go at his dream. Stars Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Robert Duvall. (release date: Friday January 15, 2010)
5. Gunless
Canadian western about a US cowboy who kinda wants to pick a fight - but we will the polite Canadians take him up on the offer? Stars Paul Gross, of course! (release date: Friday April 30, 2010)
4. Clash of the Titans (2010)
With the current Sword & Sandal Marathon going on in anticipation of this film, it should be no surprize to see this film place so high on the list. It's epic, it's actiony, it stars Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation). It better be freaking awesome! (revised release date: Friday April 2, 2010)
3. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Although I was never a big fan of the books, I'm a huge fan of the first two Narnia films and the fantastical world they are set in and the adventures of the Pevensie siblings. It made me realize how seldom it is that we see strong sibling bonds, and being someone who has lots of siblings I treasure seeing this in film. (release date: Friday December 10, 2010)
2. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Again, this should be no surprize. Huge Twilight fan here (although New Moon was quite a disappointment), have a whole podcast about the Twilight universe and all! Keeping fingers crossed that director David Slate (30 Days of Night) can bring savvy style and flair back to the saga while keeping true to the heart of the books. (release date: Wednesday June 30, 2010)
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Could this muggle really pick something else as their No. 1 anticipated film of 2010? I think not. Last year I did a countdown in anticipation for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince where I watched & reviewed the first 5 films and wow, it was a lot of fun. I may try to re-read the books this year before the 7.1 film instalment comes out to keep me busy as I try to avoid all the trailers and spoilers for Harry Potter because I know I will be there, in the theatre, grinning from ear to ear to see what Harry, Hermione and Ron get up to, this time. (release date: Friday November 19, 2010)
Those are my picks, and there certainly are others out there as this appears to be the list du semaine. Check out fellow film folks selections: Screen Rant, Film School Rejects and Film.com.
All release dates are subject to change - check out list of Upcoming 2010 Films for more titles and up to date info.

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