The year to date box office tally picked up a tiny bit of ground moving from -3.8% versus last year to -3.7% this week.       

The Past Week: Total Box Office Volume

All films in wide release playing between October 24 and October 30 grossed a mediocre $123 million, up 4% versus the same week in 2010 but down 2% from the average comparable week the past four years.  Year to date, all films are now down 3.7% from the same period last year.    

All Films October 24-30
(millions)           4yr              vs      vs
             2010    Avg     2011    2010    Avg

Week #43     $119    $126    $123    + 4%
    - 2%

Year to Date $8331   $7883   $8017  
-3.7%   +1.6%

Updated Estimates of Final Grosses

The ShowbuzzDaily Domestic Grosses (the estimated North American gross when the film ends its run) are summarized below for films released the last six weeks.  Pay attention to the final domestic grosses, which are much more important than individual weekend grosses and especially weekend rankings. 

Puss in Boots $129 million (85 percentile)
Paranormal Activity 3 $117 million (83 percentile)
Real Steel $87 million (73 percentile) 
Moneyball $76 million (69 percentile)
Dolphin Tale $71 million (67 percentile)
Footloose $55 million (58 percentile) 
The Ides of March $42 million (48 percentile)
50/50 $36 million (43 percentile)
Courageous $31 million (34 percentile)
Abduction $28 million (31 percentile)
Killer Elite $25 million (27 percentile)
Dream House $20 million (20 percentile)

The Three Musketeers $20 million (20 percentile)
The Thing $15 million (14 percentile)
What's Your Number? $15 million (13 percentile)

Johnny English Reborn $8 million (4 percentile)

Weekend Actuals vs Sunday's Studio Projections 

The weekend Studio Projections (Friday and Saturday actual numbers with estimates for Sunday's box office) for just about every film ended up being close to the actual numbers reported today.  Puss in Boots and In Time were each about $100,000 higher today than the Studio Estimate.  Paranormal Activity 3 had the biggest error, coming in $400,000 lower than the Studio Estimate on Sunday.   

      Weekend of                 Sunday    Monday   Showbuzz
      October 24-30              Studio    Weekend  Domestic
      (millions)                Estimate   Actual    Total

Puss in Boots          (DW/Par)   $34.0    $34.1     $129
Paranormal Activity 3     (Par)   $18.5    $18.1     $117
In Time                   (Fox)   $12.0    $12.1     $ 28
Footloose                 (Par)   $ 5.4    $ 5.5     $ 55
The Rum Diary         (FilmDis)   $ 5.0    $ 5.1     $ 20
Real Steel                (Dis)   $ 4.7    $ 4.8     $ 87-
The Three Musketeers   (Summit)   $ 3.5    $ 3.5     $ 20 
Ides of March            (Sony)   $ 2.7    $ 2.8     $ 42 
Moneyball                (Sony)   $ 2.4    $ 2.4     $ 76
Dolphin Tale               (WB)   $ 1.6    $ 1.6     $ 71

The International Box Office Numbers chart will be updated later tonight or Tuesday.

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