The Sked: SATURDAY RATINGS October 29 & Sweep Update

A brief update on the November sweep.  FOX remains solidly in first place and almost 100% ahead of the same period last November.  The other networks are down solid double digits.  Click "read more" for a look at each network.

          2011 vs 2010 Through Day 3 of 28

                 2011    2010
          FOX     5.8     2.9     +96%
          CBS     1.7     2.1     -19%
          ABC     2.0     2.3     -13%
          NBC     1.2     1.5     -16% 

ABC won Saturday night with a 2.1 Adult 18-49 fast national rating, subject to substantial upward revision because two West Coast teams were involved (#6 Stanford and USC).  Last year's game on this date posted a 2.4 rating -- so ABC could end up being well ahead on the night once the final numbers are in. 

FOX finished in second with a 1.4 rating for an America's Most Wanted special.  This is down substantially from Game 3 of last year's World Series, but because of the first two nights of the November sweep FOX remains more than comfortably ahead of everyone else.

CBS averaged a 0.9 with repeats, down from a 1.1 for its repeat night last year.  NBC also went with repeats, averaging a 0.5 rating, which was all the way down from a 0.9 last year.  At 8:30 last night, NBC dipped down to a 0.2 with Chuck before building slowly throughout the night and topping at a 0.9 from 10:30-11:00 with SVU.  

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