An Affair to Remember

Dir: Leo McCarey (The Bells of St. Mary's, Going My Way, Duck Soup)
Cast: Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr
USA, 1957

Seen: April 15/07 thanks to the Toronto Public Library

Reason to see: It’s on my 101 list of films I can't believe I haven't seen

An Affair to Remember, to me is a definitively classic film. A romance set on a cruise ship, with man and a woman who cross paths, but are already involved with other people is a great premise. Add to that the two main characters are played by Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr who have great chemistry and delightfully witty dialogue and you know you are a going to enjoy this ride. So, take off the thinking caps, bring on the popcorn and enjoy the show.

Interesting to note, this film is also a big film for movie connections, being a remake of the director's own Love Affair (1939), and more recently remembered for being referenced in Sleepless in Seattle.

Great quote: "Nothing wrong with him that a good woman couldn't fix."

Shannon's Overall View:
It was wonderful
I'll watch it again
I recommend it as a romance film

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© Shannon Ridler, 2008

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