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The Johnnie To Kei Fung directed LIFE WITHOUT PRINCIPLE (DUET MING GUM) was selected as the 8th Hong Kong Asian Film Festival opening film.  Two nights ago at the film festival opening ceremony and LIFE premiere, To Sir led the cast including Lau Ching Wan, Richie Jen (Yam Yin Chai), Myolie Wu Hung Yi, Keung Ho Man and Wong Chi Yin in attendance.

Because the film was about the global subject of the financial tsunami, earlier at an overseas film festival viewers had decent response.  To Sir pointed out that the worst day of the global economy has not seen
the bottom yet, the situation still has not seen the end.  Although the Hong Kong economy was poor as well, To Sir felt that at least Hong Kong had the Mainland economic development to lean on.  As for the Chief Executive's recent policy address, although it was clearer and more precise it came too late.  Home prices have distanced themselves too far from the average people.  Although rebuilding the Home Ownership Scheme is not bad, the continuation of public housing constructions is better.  Would he pick up the government's HK$6,000 refund?  He said, "No, I don't want to either.  Actually the government should promote senior, medical and six great industries upward to reduce the wealth gap."  As for the film industry, To Sir pointed out that the government set up the Film Development Council to provide assistance and could only depend on filmmakers' creativity.  Ultimately Hong Kong has enough freedom of speech and ample creative space to be utilized.

Speaking of LIFE taking over two years to complete, Ching Wan said that once he went to the set and To Sir told him to ride the bicycle around to scout the location as he still did not know what he wanted to shoot.  Ultimately he changed his mind as he shot.  Siu Chai also said that he thought this time he would be able to learn from Ching Wan, but they only had two scenes together.  However he still learned from Ching Wan and thought that his communication with To Sir was great and natural.  They were able to achieve drama.  Earlier Siu Chai broke his rib in a race, would he race cars again?  He pressed down on his healing wound on his chest and said, "Wherever I fell is where I would fall again!"

Although Hung Yi's first film was just a guest starring role, she truly felt honored to be able to work with big director To Kei Fung.  She also hoped that she would be able to work with him again.  She also said that To Sir never yelled at her, but the set went from originally being very cheerful to suddenly silent because everyone knew that To Sir would return to the set soon.  Hung Yi earlier attended the Venice Film Festival
with the film and felt like it was a dream because she never imagined that she would be able to attend the overseas event.

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