THE BIG YEAR is an amiable, good-natured comedy that's so insubstantial it seems to fly out of your memory even as you're watching it. If it had been a low-budgeted indie that turned up at a film festival, it might have felt like a tiny delight, but with a big-studio sheen and the combined talents of Steve Martin, Jack Black, Owen Wilson, and director David Frankel (The Devil Wears Prada) involved, it all feels a little like a waste.
The subject is birding, where a "Big Year" is what the enthusiast can claim who manages to see more species of birds than anyone else that year. There's no prize, cash or otherwise, apart from a bit of notoreity within the birding community, and of course the satisfaction of being the winner. (This is all inspired by a real event: Howard Franklin's script is based on the nonfiction book by Mark Obmascik.) Having a Big Year isn't easy: by definition, it involves almost 365 days of nonstop travel, seeking out the birds as they appear anywhere in the US. Our 3 protagonists all seek the title for their own reasons. Stu Preissler (Martin) has been a hard-driving businessman all his life; now that he's retired, he can finally devote his efforts--and wealth--to accomplishing his Big Year. Kenny Bostick (Wilson) has won the title before, ruining his first marriage, and he's grimly determined to do it again, despite growing tensions with his new wife (Rosamund Pike). And Brad Harris (Black)'s whole life has been a disappointment; he's decided that completing a Big Year is where he'll make his stand and finally score a victory.
We follow all of them as they crisscross the nation, up to and including Alaska, following every rumor, flying and driving and tramping every terrain, looking for the rarest of birds and, as they gradually discover who their competition is, trying to gain advantages. It's sort of a very low-key, almost New Age version of a Cannonball Run concept, but this time the rivals are genial practically all the time. Franklin's script has plenty of amusing incident, and story arcs for all the leads (when Brad sights a lovely birder played by Rashida Jones, you can bet she'll be back before the year ends). There's the occasional show of selfishness by one character or another, but it's always mild, and often regretted afterward.

Although there's some silliness in the storyline, Frankel modulates the tone most of the time to the same reasonably effective low-key level. Visually, the film is unimpressive: there are some nice scenic expanses shot by cinematographer Lawrence Sher, but the interiors look like the soundstages they are. The other technical credits are very conventional.
The Big Year isn't well-observed enough to be more than an ordinary Hollywood comedy, and while modesty can be a virtue, this wasn't necessarily the place for it. Unlike its protagonists, the movie doesn't have that core of inspired madness that it takes to accomplish a crazy goal.
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