The Booth Brothers are now working on 'Children of the Grave 2

'The Booth Brothers are now working on 'Children of the Grave 2', a sequel to the chilling documentary. The film sheds light on the horrors of being a child caught in the indignities of orphanages and other places where poor/sick/orphans ended up in the 20s, 30s and 40s.

The Booths, (Christopher and Philip), make paranormal documentaries and horror films. They are expert at both, but it's their paranormal documentaries that are so compelling. Not only are they concerned in capturing evidence such as EVPs and photos of spirits, they tell you the complete history of their subject. To know about a haunt, you MUST know the history of the subjects of said haunt. The Booths know how to do a documentary that is both chilling & fulfilling.

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