Time to look at a selection of what is out this week on DVD.
- Heartless absolutely phenomenal film that I had a chance to see last year at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival and it's stuck with me ever since, and I'm thrilled to see it on DVD. Stars Jim Sturgess, it's dark, it's creepy and it's brilliant. Directed by Philip Ridley (US release date April 12, 2011).
- Made In Dagenham I think this my biggest "I can't believe I didn't see it!" from last year, a historical / biopic on the 1968 strike at the Ford Dagenham in response to sexual discrimination.
- Fair Game more historicalness with this Naomi Watts & Sean Penn starring flick based on a CIA operative whose cover is blown.
- Waste Land I've only heard amazing things about this documentary that combines art and garbage.
- L'Appat / The Bait stars Guy A. Lepage & Rachid Badouri in a crime/comedy with a Quebec and French crime fighters who have to work together.
- Colony documentary on the Colony Collapse Disorder phenomenon that has left empty beehives across America.
- Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance Japanese animated film following new pilots introduced to NERV.
- Kenny Chesney - Summer in 3D concert documentary in 3D
- Topsy-Turvy (Criterion) Thrilled to see this one hit Criterion, absolutely wonderful film filled with humour, inspiration and lovely lively moments.
- Mad Men Season 4 Hugely popular 60's set ad firm TV show latest season hits DVD
- Treme: The Complete First Season I actually have no idea what this one is about, and with a tag line of "Won't Bow Don't Know How." that doesn't enlighten me at all, but I do know it's another highly acclaimed TV show.
- Tangled Disney does Rapunzel with many editions to choose from.
- Black Swan thriller starring now Oscar winning Natalie Portman as a dancer on brink of obsession and perfection.
Titles on Amazon.ca
Titles on Amazon.com
Heartless will be available on Amazon.com on April 12, 2011 & L'Appat / The Bait currently not available on amazon.com.
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