MONDAY MAR 28 NUMBERS: Sucker Punch Sneaks Into First

Sucker Punch moved into the #1 spot, declining 68% percent, in line with the 67% average decline for March movies on day four.  Limitless declined 68% (also in line with the 69% average for March films on day 11, the second Monday of release).  The biggest drop was for Diary of a Wimpy Kid, fully 80%, not a big surprise since the movie is so kid-dependent.  All in all, no big surprises. 

                       Monday    vs Sun
1. Sucker Punch (WB)    $1.40     -68%
2. Limitless (Rel)      $1.28     -68% 
3. Diary Wimpy 2 (Fox)  $1.26     -80%
4. Lincoln Lawyer (LG)  $0.94     -68%
5. Rango (Par)          $0.75     -75%

--Mitch Metcalf

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