THE BIJOU: Weekend Boxoffice Footnotes

Sony is taking an interesting strategy this fall:  with MONEYBALL in release, THE IDES OF MARCH opening on Friday and ANONYMOUS coming on October 28, they're cornering the market on upscale, wide-release drama until Warner Bros opens J. EDGAR on November 11.  (On that date, Sony will go as downscale as is humanly possible with the Adam Sandler drag-fest JACK & JILL.)  Depending on how one looks at it, they may be trying to give all three films a chance to own the "serious film" market before the holiday--and award--season deluge, or they could be clearing their decks for their real push, THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO in December.

Among the weekend's new openings, COURAGEOUS is predicting by far the smallest Sunday drop (23%, compared to 35-48% for the others), which is presumably because they're expecting major business from church groups.  We'll find out tomorrow how that plays out.  

DOLPHIN TALE's hope for an uninterrupted long run were nipped this week by DreamWorks Animation's decision to move PUSS IN BOOTS up a week to October 28 (which still leaves it 3 weeks to collect the bulk of its revenues).  

In limited release, TAKE SHELTER got off to a good start with over $18K in each of 3 theatres.  WEEKEND, despite rave reviews, widened a bit and was only able to do $8K in each of 6, while the curiosity MARGARET made $3750 in each of 2.  MACHINE GUN PREACHER could only manage $2500 in each of a widened run of 33.  Next weekend, the Weinsteins will try to find a home for their sentimentally garish comedy-drama DIRTY GIRL, and--thinking of curiosities--IFC will open THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2, already excitedly waving its "Banned in Britain!" banner.

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