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Xia Yu and Charlie Yeung Choi Nei starred in WIND BLAST, in which Xia Yu fell for the boss lady Yeung Choi Nei. She even half jokingly said, "Prove your love with money." Xia Yu thus went to fight underground, become a killer, and loved her like an idiot. With this dummy, Yeung Choi Nei used her relationship to send him from the South to the North, from the East to the West as they hid in the desert North.

This case fell into the hands of the four great constables, but when Xia Yu came to Hong Kong for a hit he took a photo of the client. The client hired a hit man Francis Ng Chun Yu to infiltrate the desert area, capture Xia Yu and destroy the evidence. Ng Chun Yu was an experienced hit man who was cold and cruel. This Mainland trip was his last job as he intended to retire. The desert area was wide and the condition was poor. The four great constables with their experience very quickly caught Xia Yu and Yeung Choi Nei. On their way back they ran into the hit man's well planned assault......good and evil clashed, on one side was the desert most basic will to survive and experience and on the other was a professional killer with high tech weapons. Director Gao Qunshu said, "At the time I wanted to make a Chinese RAMBO, a movie with a variety of physical fights."

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