FRIDAY NUMBERS: Limitless Leading a Soft Weekend, As Expected

Limitless is looking like it will lead a fairly soft weekend.  With $6.6 million Friday, Limitless looks like an approximately $17.8 million weekend and $55 million final domestic gross (61st percentile).  Paul opened Friday with $4.4 million and looks like a $12 million weekend and a $40 ultimate gross (50th percentile).  Similarly, The Lincoln Lawyer opened with $4.1 million Friday and appears to be heading for an $11 million weekend and a $40 million ultimate.

Battle: Los Angeles was #2 Friday with $4.5 million, looking like a $14.5 million weekend (down 60%).  Battle has been downgraded to a $91 million ultimate gross (77th percentile).  Red Riding Hood, with $2.4 million Friday, looks like a more normal 48% decline to $7.5 million for the weekend.  Red has been upgraded slightly to $39 million (49th percentile).  With only $1.5 million Friday but a great kid-driven weekend multiplier, Mars Needs Moms looks like a 24% decline to $5 million for the weekend and an upgraded $28 million ultimate (35th percentile). 

Finally, Rango, on its third Friday, earned $4.25 million and looks like $13 million for the weekend and an ultimate of $132 million (87th percentile). 

The preliminary weekend estimates for the top 12 films adds up to around $96 million, which would be 11% below the average $108 million performance for this weekend the last four years.  Perhaps the slump is back on.  Stay tuned for more accurate weekend numbers tomorrow.

--Mitch Metcalf

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