
Writer/Dir: Pedro Almodóvar (Talk to Her, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown)
Cast: Penélope Cruz, Carmen Maura, Antonio de la Torre
Spain, 2006

Seen: March 3, 2007 at the Bloor

Reason to see: I'm a fan of Pedro Almodóvar's work, Penélope Cruz was nominated for Best Actress at the Oscar's and I am on my third attempt of #7 on my 101 list: See 1 film a week in the theatre for a year. This is week 10/52.

Lovely film. It was amazing to see Penélope Cruz in a Spanish film, previously I had only see her in English-speaking roles and it was so great to see her in this. I was also such a treat to see Carmen Maura, whom I loved her performance in Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. I find it very interesting how many of Pedro Almodóvar are about women's stories, like this one, and done so well. It was also nice to see something a little lighter, the last one I've seen of his was Talk to Her / Hable con ella which was great but a little dark. Not that Volver is all sunshine and daisies, but it's a little more... hopeful. If you've never seen any of his work this would be a great one to start with.

Shannon's Overall View:
I really enjoyed it
I'll watch it again
I widely recommend it

No previews, no commercials. Started a few minutes late (which isn't out of the ordinary there ... it reminds me of when I worked Sundays at a pwyc box office and you really work to get as many people in as you can).

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© Shannon Ridler, 2007

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