Some Kind of Wonderful

Dir: Howard Deutch
USA, 1987

I saw this film 3 times in the theatre during March Break on year, and at least 2 of those times was with my sister Suzie. I wanted to be Watts. She was cool, tough, a tomboy, was best friends with a guy, had a car, tattoo, wore boxer shorts and she played the drums. I don't think it was possible to be cooler than that. And she was from the other side of the tracks. I always wanted to be from the other side of the tracks.. or whatever the marker it would have been. Ironically I have no idea what her character saw in Eric Stoltz, especially when there were 2 really cute guys with shaven heads in the film, but to each their own. This is definitely my favourite teen/coming of age film. This is my Dirty Dancing.

This film is included as part of The most influential films to me list.

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© Shannon Ridler, 2006

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