Film Fan Fridays for Friday January 4, 2008!

Hello Film Fans and Fanatics!

Welcome to Film Fan Fridays for Friday January 4, 2008! Welcome to 2008, I hope you enjoy your stay. As with many first weeks of the year does this week is a rag tag combination of quiet 'you think they are last year' releases that are on numerous top ten lists and a sprinkling of the bizarre.

Our limited release this week are those films that we heard about last year, but are finally getting there release here. They include 2 films: There Will Be Blood and Youth Without Youth. Our of the two, There Will Be Blood has recieved mass critical acclaim, already won numerous awards, and is nominated for 2 Golden Globes. I don't think I've seen a top ten tha tis hasn't been on (except my own). One of the things that really surprizes me about There Will Be Blood, is that inn Canada the rating is PG whereas the States the MPAA rating is R. Wierd. Our second limited release is Youth Without Youth, has also recieved a fair amount of critical acclaim but I'll admit I don't know much about it. Everytime people start discussing it I get the feeling very quickly that spoilers would be a bad thing. Youth Without Youth also uncovered something fascinating in my research, which is that one of the languages of the film is Sanskrit, which I had no idea was a spoken language.

Our wide release this week is a single film that represents more than one as it is actually a remake. That's right One Missed Call, is a remake of the 2003 Japanese film Chakushin ari directed by Takeski Miike (SUKIYAKI WESTERN DJANJO). Before you groan at yet another remake of a Japanese horror film, consider that One Missed Call is directed by Eric Valette an award winning French director. I saw the preview and I would gander it's worth a shot.

Have a great week, stay warm!


Friday January 4, 2008 Releases

One Missed Call
Dir: Eric Valette (Maléfique)
Cast: Shannyn Sossamon, Edward Burns, Azura Skye, Johnny Lewis, Margaret Cho, Meagan Good
Official Film Site, IMDB Page, Trailer*
Official film site auto plays trailer, and if you want the gist of the film in a non spoiler sense, just watch the first 20 seconds or so

There Will Be Blood
Writer/Dir: Paul Thomas Anderson (Punch-Drunk Love, Magnolia, Boogie Nights)
Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Dillon Freasier, Ciarán Hinds, Paul F. Tompkins
Limited Release
Official Film Site, IMDb page, Trailer
Official Film site autoplays trailer which is spoiler free for the first 1/2 of the trailer

Youth Without Youth
Writer/Dir: Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, The Rainmaker)
Cast: Tim Roth, Alexandra Maria Lara, Bruno Ganz, André Hennicke
Limited Release
Official Film Site, IMDb Page, Trailer
I chose not to watch the trailer so view at your own risk (and let me know how it is)! The rehearsal pics in the gallery of the official site are gorgeous and make me miss the rehearsal process.

**please note this list of releases reflects first run film released in Toronto, Ontario, Canada January 4, 2008**

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