Upcoming Film Festivals in Toronto, March - May 08


As the snow melts and the parka's turn to pullovers, it's time to consider the upcoming festival season. We have many exciting festivals that will soon be in out midst ranging from homegrown talent to films from afar and everything in between. I'm really looking forward to the Canadian Film Fest because Canadian film rocks! Also, it's great to see The Toronto Singapore Film Festival which is just in its third year! As we move closer to the hope of summer months we get to some of the biggies in film festival land with Images, hotdocs and Inside Out. Everything looks so good this year, I can't wait to get in the festival spirit. I hope the snow stays at bay or for the very least inside queues!

So many festivals, so little time. What piques your interest for the next few months?


Female Eye Film Festival
6th annual film festival of film made by women, seen by everyone
Thursday March 27 - Sunday March 30/08
Opening Gala: The Stone Angel
2008 schedule is online (select Program / Events)

Canadian Film Fest
Previously known as Canadian Filmmakers Festival, this festival celebrates exclusively Canadian film
Tues March 25 - Sat March 29/08
2008 schedule is online
Festival Coverage at Movie Moxie

Annual celebration of international Francophone cinema
Friday March 28 - Sunday April 6/08
Line up includes Genie nominated films Les 3 p'tits cochons and My Daughter, My Angel
2008 schedule is online

April 2008

Reelworld Film Festival
8th annual festival celebrating diversity in film, video, and new media
April 2 - April 6, 2008

Toronto Singapore Film Festival
3rd annual festival introducing Singapore film to Canadians
April 4 to 6/08 at Innis Town Hall, the University of Toronto's St. George campus
2008 schedule is up
Ticket information including film synopsis
Festival Coverage at Movie Moxie

Images Festival
2008 bring the 21st Images Festival of independent film, video and other time-based media, including on and off screen presentations as well as panels.
April 3 - 13/08
2008 schedule is online (from the main site, select Program at the left)
Festival Coverage at Movie Moxie

Toronto International Film Festival for Children
April 12 - 18/08
2008 schedule is online

Hot Docs
Canadian International Documentary Film Festival
Thurs April 17 - Sun April 27/08
2008 schedule is online
Festival Coverage at Movie Moxie

May 2008

Toronto Jewish Film Festival
2008 brings the 16th annual festival
May 3 - 11, 2008
2008 schedule is online

Inside Out
18th Annual Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival
May 15 - 25/08
Festival Coverage at Movie Moxie

Know of a festival not on the list? Email me at moviemoxie at gmail dot com, and I'll add it to the list!

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